Our Platform

Our platform was created 100%, from top to bottom, by psychiatrists and neurologists. Our co-founders are both board-certified and subspecialty trained in neurology and have teaching, research, publication, and question-writing experience. Additionally, we receive input and content from dozens of actively practicing psychiatrists and neurologists who are experts in their fields. This content is actively reviewed and updated. Content in this platform was meticulously chosen with a deep understanding of the high-yield topics and percentage make-up of the Psychiatry Resident In-service Training Exam (PRITE*) and board exam. Content within the platform was weighted carefully to match the importance of these examinations, in order to deliver an inclusive, but concise and time-efficient, study experience.

To maintain closeness to the board certification exam and the PRITE*, our team includes vetted psychiatry residents and fellows, who provide supervised content and product usability feedback. We listen continuously to feedback and platform requests and are constantly working on new features and content iterations to improve the user experience.

We are the only interactive online study platform for the PRITE* and ABPN Board examination that is multi-modality, offering not only a question bank, but also image banks, flashcard banks, and text chapters.

Our Mission

To help psychiatry residents, attendings, medical students, and advanced practitioners become better in what they do and prepare them for in-service examinations, board exams, and recertification.

Our Story

In 2015, Dr. Brian Hanrahan entered his junior year of neurology residency. In the spring of that year, he took the annual Residency In-service Training Examination (RITE®), which is used to gauge knowledge of neurology and neuroscience while identifying areas for potential growth. While attempting to prepare for this exam he noticed that there was a paucity of highly efficient resources available to help residents learn about a diversity of neurological issues. Dr. Hanrahan saw a need for an educational resource that provided neurology residents with the highest yield topics which will prepare residents for the RITE® as well as the Neurology Boards exam. There are several text-based resources for the Neurology boards but almost no resources in an online format. It wasn’t until he met Dr. Steven Gangloff, MD, whose experience in neurology, web design, and promotion allowed this project to become a reality. Together, Dr. Hanrahan and Dr. Gangloff put together a series of chapters, questions, and high-yield images. A review of available resources for the Neurology Boards, as well as RITE® related content, allowed them to recognize what was truly “high-yield.” This study guide for the RITE® exam and Neurology Boards became NowYouKnowNeuro. This platform quickly became one of the most popular neurology resident review resources! Using what they learned through the success of NowYouKnowNeuro, Drs. Hanrahan and Gangloff grew NowYouKnowPsych. This platform uses the interface and education style that was so popular from NowYouKnowNeuro, with content targeted to the PRITE* and Psychiatry board exams. They received content contributions, edits, and input from dozens of board-certified psychiatrists to build this product. Like NowYouKnowNeuro, NowYouKnowPsych is also weighted toward the published topics and subtopics of these psychiatry exams; making it a concise and targeted study resource! NowYouKnowPsych is a living resource that is being continuously updated. We hope that you find this resource useful. If there is anything you think needs to be corrected or changed, or if you think there is a topic that can be presented better or in more detail please feel free to contact us.

Our Philosophy

Science has taught us that the best way to learn and retain knowledge is by experiencing content through multiple sensory modalities. It isn’t enough to simply read something once. For the best retention, one should strive to read about a topic, review visual diagrams and images, hear and speak what they learn audibly, and test their knowledge with self-quizzing. We have curated only the highest-yield content for the PRITE*, ABPN psychiatry board certification exams, and shelf exams. Because of our philosophy, we present this information to you through text chapters, images, flashcards, and question banks.